Choosing the Best Paint Color

Colour is a very important factor when it comes to making any space visually appealing. Using the proper colour palette for a room can make or break the overall effect. Choosing the wrong mix of colours can run the risk of them clashing horribly. Colour affects us on a psychological level. Some colours can be considered relaxing, while other would be considered loud.

Using the right mix of hues in our homes and our work spaces is important. Here are some tips on choosing the right paint colour.

Start Small

If you’re not sure where to start exactly, do an experiment in a small room such as a bathroom or a small hall area in your home. Pick a place that is quick to do so you can see the result sooner, and decide if you are happy with it or to change it. It’s all a process, and you’ll be glad that you took the time to do this – it can save a lot of time in the long run.

Trying to figure out what colour you want? Seek some inspiration from a favourite colour in a piece of furniture or artwork and go from there.


When you are trying to select a colour, think of where you plan on painting and the mood that you want associated with the space. Some examples of the different types of rooms and the more common moods associated with it are:

Bedrooms: the mood sought after is usually a restful and soothing one. For that, soft cool colors and neutrals are a better fit than the stronger colours which are suited for drama.

Dining room: the mood here is usually a sociable one, or it can be considered a formal and quiet one depending on your personality. Warm colours that contrast with brighter colours can add an element of sociality while deeper blues and greens with neutrals mixed in will give off a more formal feel.


Whenever you walk into a paint store to undertake the process of choosing a paint colour, more often than not, the store has light boxes where you can test your paint chip. So keep the lighting of the room in mind when choosing your palette.

Natural daylight: shows the truest colour.

Fluorescent lighting: will cast a sharp blue tone over the paint.

Incandescent lighting: will bring out the warmer tones and yellows of the paint.

Choose Different Paint Finishes

You can transform plain coloured walls into an interesting and unique space by adding finishes such as burnished metal which can add a reflective depth to the paint color underneath. A safer choice would be an eggshell finish (which is also less reflective) to add a slightly glossy look.

Choosing colours can sometimes be stressful, but with the tips provided in this post, you can get in touch with your artistic side and make the process enjoyable and rewarding.